The lamp light shines on the yellow track Through the window through the dark All the ghosts haven't gone yet Leavin' truth so pain and stark
I stared out through the circles Where the view's so blind and broke And I knew that all my memories There were burnt in a cloud of smoke
I don't need night to remind me Of the warmth I lost with you Or the yells of bloody ravens That flew out of my wounded soul
REF. Howlin' lone wolf in me Howlin' lone wolf in me Howlin' lone wolf in me Howlin' lone wolf in me
Tomorrow rain will fall again As every other boring day The shadow of my love will crawl Through another hundred shades of gray
I follow pulse of an empty street Through my blazing nightmares like insane And the wolf in me keeps howlin' 'Til I find you again
REF. Howlin' lone wolf in me Howlin' lone wolf in me Howlin' lone wolf in me Howlin' lone wolf in me
Tomorrow rain will fall again As every other boring day